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Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
Make A Kids Show With Angela
Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential

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Forbes logo for Angela Santomero guiding creators to transform ideas into brilliant kids' shows
Variety logo for Angela Santomero sharing methodology to build inspiring kids' shows and brands
New York Times logo for Angela Santomero guiding creators to transform ideas into brilliant kids' shows
CNN logo for Angela Santomero sharing methodology to build inspiring kids' shows and brands
Huffpost logo for Angela Santomero guiding creators to transform ideas into brilliant kids' shows
The Atlantic logo for Angela Santomero sharing methodology to build inspiring kids' shows and brands
Transform your idea into a brilliant kids' show with Angela Santomero
Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
Do you have a Kids’ Show IDEA?

Angela Santomero is an Emmy award-winning show creator, writer and executive producer who created multiple media brands like Blue’s Clues, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and Super Why, worth over a billion dollars. Now she wants to help YOU transform your idea into a powerful kids’ show that inspires positive change for generations!!

Learn With Angela
The Key Concepts of a Billion Dollar Kids' Show

Join the Make A Kids Show™ IDEA Blueprint Master Class to unlock the same process that Angela used to create Blue’s Clues and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

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Create the Next
in Kids Media

Angela will teach you her proven methodology to transform your IDEA into a BRILLIANT SHOW for kids that has the fundamental elements of a GLOBAL BRAND.

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Learn More About Angela's Method

She will guide you using case studies, proven techniques and signature exercises to take your IDEA to international SUCCESS!


You don't have to go round and round in circles trying to come up with an idea that works.

I’ve finally decided to write down my process, secrets, and methodology that I’ve used for shows I’ve had aired on NETFLIX, NICKELODEON, PBS KIDS, AMAZON STUDIOS and APPLE TV+

I’m excited to share with you!

Learn With Angela

You don't have to go round & round in circles trying to come up with an idea that works

I’ve finally decided to write down my process, secrets, and methodology that I’ve used for shows I’ve had picked up by NETFLIX, NICKELODEON, PBS KIDS, AMAZON STUDIOS and APPLE TV. 

I’m excited to share with you!

Learn With Angela
Transform your idea into a brilliant kids' show with Angela Santomero
Angela Santomero teaching creators how to build kids' shows with global impact

 Hi, I’m Angela!

Mister Rogers was my mentor, and I want to be a mentor for you.

This is personal for me. I’ve watched so many of my talented colleagues grow with me to make their own kids’ shows, or become head writers, show runners, executive producers, or leaders at the streamers and networks.


Make a Kids Show master class featuring Angela Santomero’s proven methodologies
While everyone is ZIGGING,
YOU can take an educated ZAG

CREATE something Innovative and



 Platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and PBS Kids collectively reach billions of young viewers - and are always looking for the NEXT BIG THING.

 Apply my steps to the idea you’ve been working on, so it can become a groundbreaking show, positively shaping the next generation of kids. 

Let’s develop your idea, together.
Learn More & Join Today

Interested in having Angela speak at your event?


Angela has spoken at:

Today Show logo for Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
Adweek logo for Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
PBS logo for Angela Santomero sharing methodology to build inspiring kids' shows and brands
Matrix logo for Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
amazon logo for Angela Santomero sharing methodology to build inspiring kids' shows and brands
BH Blogger logo for Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
CNN logo for Angela Santomero sharing methodology to build inspiring kids' shows and brands
TCA logo for Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
Make a Kids Show master class featuring Angela Santomero’s proven methodologies
Learn More & Inquire
“In the world of Kids' Media, Angela Santomero stands as a beacon of creativity and wisdom.”

“Whether it’s a talking blue puppy or an endearing striped tiger, I have been endlessly inspired by the worlds she has created and the connections her characters have made with young children. Angela’s profound understanding of children is a deeply ingrained passion that permeates every story she weaves. She has always made the creative work look deceptively simple, but the thought and care she puts into her work sets her apart as a trailblazer in the industry.”

Sarah Wallendjack • PBS Kids, Sr. Director of Content Development
Read & Be Inspired


Embark on an adventure as Angela shares her insights, wisdom, and expertise. From Preschool Clues to Life Clues for adults, and books for kids, featuring her beloved TV characters, Angela's library holds treasures for fans of every age.

Explore Books By Angela
Quality Kids' Media Matters!

Kids need us. They need your next big IDEA.

Kids' Media can:
⟡ Improve
language development and early literacy skills

⟡ Teach socioemotional skills - such as empathy, kindness, and problem-solving

⟡ Boost academic performance, as shown by studies on shows like Blue’s Clues, where kids scored significantly higher on standardized tests and critical thinking tasks after watching

⟡ Can have social impact - shaping values and behaviors of future generations

⟡ Enhance self worth - helping kids from all backgrounds feel seen and heard.

Learn More About Make a Kids Show
Make a Kids Show with Angela Santomero creating global kids' show brands
On average, a child spends 2-3 hours a day engaging with screens

But with quality media, we know that kids content can:

⟡ Improve language development and early literacy skills

⟡ Teach socio-emotional skills - like empathy, kindness, and problem-solving

⟡ Boost academic performance, as shown by studies on shows like Blue’s Clues, where kids scored significantly higher on standardized tests and critical thinking tasks after watching

⟡ Can have Social Impact shaping values and behaviors of future generations

⟡ Enhance self worth - helping kids from all backgrounds feel- seen and heard.

Kids Need Us - They Need Your Next Big Idea

Learn More About Make a Kids Show
Free Guide

The Creator’s Guide:  Top 10 Essential Elements for Writing a Breakthrough Kids’ Show 

Get instant access to Angela’s must-have checklist guide for free.

Free Guide

The Creator’s Guide:  Top 10 Essential Elements for Writing a Breakthrough Kids’ Show 

Get instant access to Angela’s must-have checklist guide for free.

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